Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Starting 2-22-10

Why can't I seem to journal every day? When I do this challenge I will use a log book. Well on to this morning!
Black Coffee and a balanced bar.

Yesterday was pretty free target-y!
Great exercise including a whole hour of aquatics with the kids!

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Cardio workout. 20 minutes on machines
30 minutes aquatics
10 minutes river walk


OK not proud of this! After a very nice balanced chicken salad, had a hot dog an hour later!


Balanced Bar

Exercise Friday

Terrific biceps and triceps circuit.
20 minutes cardio

Friday, February 12, 2010


Balanced BAR and then later for a snack half an ORO wheat thin with a fried egg and salsa.

Thursday Dinner

I took the salad from lunch and added some chopped pecans, apple cider vinegar, and mandarin oranges. Delish!

Thursday Exercise

shovel walks 10 minutes
treadmill 15 minutes
cardio at gym 12 minutes
shoulder work out, presses and lateral raises
river walk 12 minutes NICE

Thursday, February 11, 2010


I made a delicious quinoa salad with lots of veggies, olive oil, balsamic vinegar and chopped pork loin from yesterday. Salt and pepper. Yum!


Too much breakfast! I do love the K cereal, but I had about two bowls this morning instead of the usual 1. It makes for k-6 breakfast which is one too many!
Could one reason be that I insist on watching Letterman while I have breakfast?
I got a bit obsessed looking for the plunger part of the French Press. I have others and eventually made it with a different pot but I am still thinking, where the hell is it?
Steve put the carafe in the dishwasher but not the plunger. Why? Oh, why?


At one point in my obsessing I decided to wait until I had emptied the dishwasher. I know from experience that in the past I have found things I could not see in the dishwasher until I had removed some things.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010


High Protein Cereal



I baked a pork loin with brussels sprouts and asparagus and quinoa. Great balanced dinner, NOT especially over appetizing. I mean that in a good way. It satisfied but I did not feel the need to over eat, like I do with comfort foods like meat loaf!


High Protein Cereal
Beef Jerkey

Mid-Morning Snack

The oh so delicious breakfast treat! Half a sandwich thin with egg beaters and canadian bacon, onions and chives, topped with salsa.
However, when shopping for the ingredients I gave in to an oatmeal cookie. Mind you, it was all good ingredients!


10 minutes recumbent bike
20 minutes squats, deadlifts, calves
10 minutes riverwalk


Balanced protein bar and black coffee. Too much attention paid to other things while eating this morning!
I find that if the TV is off, computer blank, food is more satisfying!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Not my finest hour. 1 Char Chu Bao and a very small serving of ice cream.


Veggie lasagne, but I had some jerkey to up the protein! And I did not wait too long!


30 minutes recumbent bike
10 minutes river walk
30 minutes water aerobics


OK, I waited too long so I was not as on target as I would have liked.
Grilled Chicken Salad with a whole wheat tortilla. Dressing and a sprinkle of taco chips. Too high in carbohydrates to be balanced. Finished off with a tall skinny vanilla latte and a biscotti at Starbucks. This is more like a Free Target, but not too out of control.


Balanced protein bar. Black Coffee. Slammed a glass of water!

Monday, February 8, 2010


Drinking a lot of water today, making a special effort. The caveman diet says to SLAM a big glass of water immediately upon arising. It's quite a rush!

Planning Dinner

As I have not had sufficient calories for the day I will have some K-Cereal and shake. I'll have about 6 K points which is one point higher than I would like for one meal, but it will be ok!


The rest of the BBQ and tomato. Funny, I was really hungry for it and was satisfied well before finishing. I finished it, though, because I have not eaten nearly enough calories today, need that protein!


20 Minute walk round the block with Rob and Lucy!


Kinetix Turtle Bar Balanced!


45 minute walk in dog park with Chance!


OK, good news! I was sorely tempted to head to the bakery after the workout, but I came home and had:
1/2 Chicken Sand with fresh tomato. I will have the other half for the mid day snack!


10 minutes treadmill
30 minutes water aerobics
10 minutes river walk
Chest presses


Black Coffee
Nutrition Bar, balanced